Shadows of Huntshire

Narrative Designer / Producer / User Researcher


Shadows of Huntshire

Narrative Designer / Producer / User Researcher


Shadows of Huntshire

Narrative Designer / Producer / User Researcher



The Game

Each card represents a person living in Huntshire that attends your church. As the high priest, you pair residents up every month to surveil and keep tabs on one another.

Every three months you must sacrifice someone to the old gods, however, only a person sufficiently broken down by the religion can be sacrificed. If you do not have a sacrifice ready at the end of the season, your divine mission fails.

Each month, residents will come to you with information or problems, looking for your guidance to resolve them.


Shadows of Huntshire is a choice based narrative card game. You assume the role of the high priest in the town of hutshire, determined to sacrifice enough townspeople for the return of your lord.

Shadows of Huntshire has a fixed narrative with multiple endings based on your choices. It also involves managing the stats of the townspeople, pairing and using their abilities strategically so their stats are low enough when the next sacrifice season occurs.



Shadows of Huntshire was a student project for NYU's major studio class. While the initial prototype was developed over 3 weeks by a team of 4, a full team of 7 came together and worked around 3 months to flesh out and complete the game.

I joined the team after the prototype was finished as a Narrative Designer and Producer, and later on helped the team with User Research.

As a designer I created several one off events, as well as major branching storylines for various villagers in the town. I worked closely with the other designers on the team to balance the stats of the cards to maintain difficulty while leaving room for player choice on which villagers to keep around for story development.

Later on in the project, I implemented Alexander King and Naomi Clark's Tinylitics tool to research player behavior and use quantitative data to find the sweet spots for game balance
